Gastroenterology Clinics

Principal Care Management PCM

Principal care management (PCM) specifically relates to a single chronic care condition. For managing a single chronic care condition effectively, healthcare providers often follow evidence-based guidelines and best practices for that condition.

Patient eligibility:
✓ Ascites    ✓ Hepatic encephalopathy
✓ Gastroparesis Decompensated liver disease   
✓ Inflammatory bowel disease   ✓ IBS   
✓ Fatty liver disease.

Remote cellular enable devices used: Weigh scales.

Enhanced Patient Outcomes

CCM proactively manages chronic conditions, leading to better health outcomes and reduced hospitalizations.

Improved Patient Engagement

CCM fosters patient-provider relationships, promoting treatment plan adherence.

Cost Efficiency

CCM prevents complications, lowering healthcare costs for both patients and systems.

Comprehensive Care Coordination

CCM ensures well-coordinated care, addressing physical, mental, and social health needs.

Data-Driven Value-Based Care

CCM aligns with value-based care models, emphasizing quality, patient-centered care, and preventive measures.

Enhanced Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring allows continuous tracking of patient health data, improving disease management.

Timely Intervention

It enables early detection of issues, enabling timely interventions to prevent complications.

Patient Empowerment

Patients are more engaged in their healthcare, leading to better self-management and adherence to treatment plans.

Cost Savings

Reduced hospitalizations and ER visits lead to cost savings for both patients and healthcare systems

Improved Access

Patients have 24/7 access to care, promoting convenience and reducing healthcare disparities.

Holistic Care

BHI combines mental health and primary care, addressing both physical and mental health needs in one setting.

Early Intervention

It allows for early identification and management of behavioral health issues, reducing long-term complications.

Improved Access

Patients have easier access to mental health services, reducing stigma and barriers to care.

Enhanced Coordination

BHI promotes collaboration among healthcare providers, leading to comprehensive and well-coordinated patient care.

Patient-Centered Approach

BHI emphasizes personalized care plans, focusing on the unique needs and preferences of individual patients.

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